Long Distance Coaching Services

The steps in contracting this service provided by e-mail and/or telephone are:
1) client confirms intent to become a client;
2) a questionnaire is emailed to the client, requesting info about medical and athletic history, previous training and race performances, fitness testing results, diet, commitment, fitness/competition goals, race intentions, etc.:
3) the completed questionnaire is sent back;
4) client sends a cheque or money order for the consulting fees;
5) once payment is received, a General Training Program is designed which describes the specific goals, weekly distances, the scheduling of workouts within a week, the exact workouts (e.g., intervals) required to achieve the goals, and supplementary information, e.g., weight-training, diet, etc., as appropriate;
6) the General Training Program is emailed and weekly communications are started - these can consist of e-mail exchanges done on a specified day and/or by telephone appointment;
7) clearly specified workouts are emailed;
8) client executes the planned workouts;
9) at the next weekly communication, the client reports the actual numbers, asks questions, etc., and receives advice accordingly, and the next week's prescribed assignments are emailed;
10) this interaction continues in this manner until the end of the contract's term at which point the client decides whether to renew the service.
Consulting Fees [fees in Canadian dollars - HST(13%) not included]
New Client - $320.00 for a minimum term of 12 weeks, PLUS $20.00 per additional week beyond 12 weeks.
Continuing Client who immediately renews after previous term for 10 weeks or more: $225.00 PLUS $20 for each week beyond 10 weeks.
Returning Client who has not immediately renewed after previous term: $250.00 for a minimum of 10 weeks, PLUS $20.00 per additional week beyond 10 weeks.
Continuing Client who immediately renews after previous term for less than 10 weeks: a fee will be quoted.
The steps in contracting this service provided by e-mail and/or telephone are:
1) client confirms intent to become a client;
2) a questionnaire is emailed to the client, requesting info about medical and athletic history, previous training and race performances, fitness testing results, diet, commitment, fitness/competition goals, race intentions, etc.:
3) the completed questionnaire is sent back;
4) client sends a cheque or money order for the consulting fees;
5) once payment is received, a General Training Program is designed which describes the specific goals, weekly distances, the scheduling of workouts within a week, the exact workouts (e.g., intervals) required to achieve the goals, and supplementary information, e.g., weight-training, diet, etc., as appropriate;
6) the General Training Program is emailed and weekly communications are started - these can consist of e-mail exchanges done on a specified day and/or by telephone appointment;
7) clearly specified workouts are emailed;
8) client executes the planned workouts;
9) at the next weekly communication, the client reports the actual numbers, asks questions, etc., and receives advice accordingly, and the next week's prescribed assignments are emailed;
10) this interaction continues in this manner until the end of the contract's term at which point the client decides whether to renew the service.
Consulting Fees [fees in Canadian dollars - HST(13%) not included]
New Client - $320.00 for a minimum term of 12 weeks, PLUS $20.00 per additional week beyond 12 weeks.
Continuing Client who immediately renews after previous term for 10 weeks or more: $225.00 PLUS $20 for each week beyond 10 weeks.
Returning Client who has not immediately renewed after previous term: $250.00 for a minimum of 10 weeks, PLUS $20.00 per additional week beyond 10 weeks.
Continuing Client who immediately renews after previous term for less than 10 weeks: a fee will be quoted.