Treadmill Pace Converter
Coach Pimm has created a tool for those doing interval training on a Treadmill, allowing you to convert times for the intervals in to mph or kph or minutes/km.
Click on the spreadsheet image below to download the tool.
Once you've downloaded and opened the spreadsheet, and, for example (circled), you want to convert times for 400 metre repeats, go to the 400 row under the DIST. column and enter the minute(s) in the MIN. column, and the second(s) in the SEC. column, and then press ENTER to display the conversions in the same row.
Click on the spreadsheet image below to download the tool.
Once you've downloaded and opened the spreadsheet, and, for example (circled), you want to convert times for 400 metre repeats, go to the 400 row under the DIST. column and enter the minute(s) in the MIN. column, and the second(s) in the SEC. column, and then press ENTER to display the conversions in the same row.